Name : Rohmat Ujianto
Date of birth : April 25th, 1987
Place of birth : Cilacap
Address : Raya Genteng Street
Sub district : Cimanggu-Panimbang
Regency : Cilacap-Central Java
Post code : 53256
Mobile Number : 081573784443
Position : English Teacher
The “Student’s Attitude on English Learning viewed from “Cognitive Language Learning Strategy” that refer to literatures related to:
B.Classroom Approach
C.Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
D.Cognitive Language Learning Strategies
Some phenomena emerge to our English society that the student’s attitude in learning English is still difficult at the classroom, (Linda: 2004). Sometimes students do not understand the teacher’s explanation and the teacher does not care with the student’s characteristics (Syah: 2008). These discrepancies evoke to the context of teacher and students at classroom (Brown: 1994).
Pendidikan nasional berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga Negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab.
((National education is functioned to expand the ability and to form the character and nation civilization which it is prestige into mental agile of nation life. Moreover it is to expand the student’s potential in order to become the faithful and pious human to God and also having good behavior, health, erudite, intelligence, creativity, self confidence, and become democracy and responsibility as a citizen (UU RI No.20 Thn. 2003)).
English is a foreign language in Indonesia (Abdurrahman: 2006) and English learning will have a good response when teacher and students view it well and positive (Suwartono: 2008).
2.1.1 Attitude
Attitude is a depository that it is stable, relative, and continuous, takes place to the behavior or to react in certain way toward personality, object, institutions or problem faced (Chaplin; 1972). Some problems come to give more learning but sometimes are difficult to be received by the personal condition relating to the environment which it is supported almost at the institution. Institution is a proponent factor examined to make us continuous and consistent relatively on the major skill as an object. The major skill will be created satisfied if the positive attitude is created.
Positive attitude toward the language will contribute a high regard and appreciation and high personal motivation (Olshtain, 1986; 14). High regard and appreciation is (;
1.To recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude of: appreciated their freedom.
2.To be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize: I appreciate your problems.
3.To be thankful or show gratitude for: I really appreciate your help.
4.To admire greatly; value.
5.To raise in value or price, especially over time.
High personal motivation for the students, according to Syah (2008:136) is consist of two elements: they are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is a learning motivation by the student’s satisfaction, such as their learning needs. Extrinsic motivation is a learning motivation by the students to do the activities, such as eulogy, reward, school regulation, parents and teachers behavior. They will support the students toward a feeling of self fulfillment, success, overall enthusiasm and the best result (Olshtain, 1986; 14). According to Chapman (1987) positive attitude is a kind of heart milieu for one and outside manifestation from a thought, superiority to think positive. Further he says;
1.Attitude is an inclination given to one as mental as considering something from thoughtfulness.
2.The larger focus on positive factor in an environment the easier to settle positive one.
3.Adaptation between negative and positive thinking are needed something that could make one fresh from their shock.
From these descriptions, it can be known that positive attitude is the interior on our deep heart to cross low society’s value (Chapman: 1987) by understanding something, such us learning English. Environment is the big factor for students able to learn English with the internal and external preparation. Students are public figures and artists where they have role to be ruled by their teacher as distribution of appreciation.
Appreciation is a self actualization for students not to feel burden when they learn English. The system of teaching-learning process will not increase with presented methods, techniques, or strategies without teachers’ participation and appreciation given to their students (Shaffat: 2009).
**To be continued**